PhD insights on successfully engaging your Channel Partners
by Ivan Grisedale
Are you thinking; "do enablement & incentive programs build loyalty with Channel partners and resellers"?
If so then here are some key questions to consider if you're thinking about launching a B2B Loyalty Program or even how to re-engineer an existing one:
The first one is to ask yourself 'Is a loyalty program right for your business'? Like any marketing strategy, loyalty programs have a place and an ideal environment in which they should be deployed and managed.
Are we currently supporting our partners and what should we be considering?
You might then wonder if it’s a good idea to involve other vendors and 'what are the key benefits of a 'B2B Coalition'.
Amplifying the message internally through chat rooms, live chat, rating and feedback mechanisms as well as externally through Social Badging using the Open Badge platform may help you to understand 'why social media in your loyalty program increases ROI results'.
Thinking ahead, you might ponder thoughts around the best 'tactics to accelerate participation in your loyalty program' once you've arrived at the ‘threshold of engagement’.
Getting the balance right between the hard and soft benefits of your b2b channel loyalty program can be the key to its effectiveness.
When all is said and done, you’ll want to feel safe & secure in the knowledge that you have an “in tune” customer help desk to handle participant’s queries, comments, aspirations and…. complaints.
So if you already have a program that you've realised needs 'hacking'; a new approach is sometimes the best cure.
Incentive travel drives performance, strengthens loyalty, and enhances company culture. It creates unforgettable experiences that inspire long-term motivation. At Motivforce, we design tailored travel programs that engage and reward top performers.